US Sanctions Summary – March 2023

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US Treasury OFAC Sanctions Targets – March 2023

3/1: North Korea  DPRK actors illicitly generating revenue abroad

3/2: CJNG, Mexico – CJNG-run timeshare fraud network

3/3: Russia – Serious human rights abuse against Vladimir Kara-Murza

3/8: Iran  Officials and entities for serious human rights abuses

3/9: Iran – Sanctions evasion network (HK, China, Singapore, Malaysia, Pakistan, UAE, Turkey)

3/9: Iran – International UAV procurement network (China Hong Kong)

3/15: Bosnia and Herzegovina BiH – Actors in BiH undermining stability and perpetuating corruption

3/21: Iran – Procurement networks (Turkey Iran) for Iran’s UAV and weapons programs

3/24: Burma – Jet fuel suppliers and military cronies

3/24: Belarus – State-owned enterprises, Govt officials, and Lukashenko’s aircraft

3/28: Syria Lebanon – Syrian regime, Lebanon actors re illicit drug production and trafficking

3/30: EU Slovakia – Facilitator for attempted arms deals between North Korea and Russia